
Posts Tagged ‘stock market feed’

How To Get live stock market feed

Organizations dealing with stock market often have to use a trading system which has the ability to handle stock market feed. Stock market feed is a technique via which the organization is able to get the stock market data live directly into their trading systems. Most of the trading systems in the modern world id able to handle this live stock market data. But the crucial part is to keep the updated data safe by preventing data loss, allowing data customization, flexibility with data conversion etc… Dapfor has been in the business of trading systems development with stock market feed feature since 2007. They have developed a unique system using the .net grid technology. Due to the huge expertise and experience the developers have with stock market feed they can develop systems crucial for the growth of organizations dealing with stock market and finance.

public class Product : INotifyPropertyChanged
//Some fields
private double price;
private DateTime maturity;

[DoubleFormat(Precision = 3, ShortForm = true, ShowZero = false)]
public double Price
get { return price; }
price = value;
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(“Price”));
public DateTime Maturity
get { return maturity; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

Product product = new Product();
Row row = grid.Rows.Add(product);

product.Price = 123;

Assert.AreEqual(row[“Price”].Value, 123)

The above code is used in the .net grid associated with stock market feed. This helps the stock market feed to get updated in real time and if multiple users are using the stock market feed then they will be notified about any updating process in the stock market feed fields. This is a crucial way to make a trading system with stock market feed facility and has been done by Dapfor successfully.

public void NonEventModelSorting(Grid grid)
//Initialize the grid
grid.Headers.Add(new Header());
grid.Headers[0].Add(new Column(“Name”));
grid.Headers[0].Add(new Column(“Color”));
grid.Headers[0].Add(new Column(“Price”));

grid.Headers[0][“Price”].SortDirection = SortDirection.Descending;

//Populate the grid
grid.Rows.Add(new object[] { “Mercedes”, Color.Black, 25000d });
grid.Rows.Add(new object[] { “BMW”, Color.White, 35000d });

//The first row is “BMW”
Assert.AreEqual(“BMW”, grid.Rows[0][“Name”].Value);

//Cut off the BMW’s price
grid.Rows[0][“Price”].Value = 24000d;

//The first row is “Mercedes”
Assert.AreEqual(“Mercedes”, grid.Rows[0][“Name”].Value);

This is another important feature integrated by .net grid associated with stock market feed developed by Dapfor. It allows the sorting of the data in the proper ways within the stock market feed which makes it even more informative and essential for a finance organization. The stock market feed just receives the live data and then use the above way of dealing with sorting procedures. Thus the stock market feed is able to help the employees out in their work daily. The stock market feed developed by Dapfor even has data security features built in.

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