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Trading application development

Developing a real time trading application development is really tough but with a simple design and time tested methodology this can be achieved very fast. A simple Trading application development must be able to handle different kinds of currencies such as the dollar, euro, pounds etc. The scope for future Enhancement must also be provided in the Trading application development. During the real time trading application development it must be able cope with difficult circumstances such as not able display real time data, programmatic error which can have a huge impact on the application and usage of CPU and memory. Dapfor make sure that during the trading application development all this problems are addressed so that user doesn’t face any kind of problem. It is really a tough job but not achievable. In trading application development currency converter is an important and vital part. Each currency has different rates which changes during the market period and this change must be displayed to the user. To ensure this facility CurrencyRate Class is created in the trading application development process. As discussed earlier the rate of the currency changes in real time and to handle it the following API is used.
public class CurrencyRate : INotifyPropertyChanged

public IList<string> AvailableCurrencies
get { return _availableCurrencies; }
public string MainCurrency
get { return _mainCurrency; }
CurrencyRate currencyRate = CurrencyRate(“USD”, Provider.Instance.AvailableCurrencies);
//Get current USD/EUR rate
double rate = currencyRate[“EUR”];
//Set a new USD/EUR rate
currencyRate[“EUR”] = 1.42;
INotifyPropertyChanged interface is used to notify the users about the change in the currency rate. After the creation of data model in trading application development process it needs to be displayed to user on the grid. To connect the data source to the .net grid Grid.Source is used.
Header header = Header.FromDataType(typeof (CurrencyRate));
//Bind grid to the collection of CurrencyRate
grid.DataSource = new List<CurrencyRate>(Provider.Instance.CurrencyRates.Values);
In trading application development phase, Dapfor provides with the facility to display the particular column on the .net grid by implementing the IDataAccessor interface. This trading application development process uses the System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor class which supplies meta information of any class to the entire application.
// TypeDesctiptor provider.
internal class CurrencyRateTypeDescriptorProvider : System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider
private ICustomTypeDescriptor _typeDescriptor;
public CurrencyRateTypeDescriptorProvider() : base(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(typeof (CurrencyRate)))
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type objectType, object instance)
return _typeDescriptor ?? (_typeDescriptor = new CurrencyRateTypeDescriptor(base.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance)));
To achieve this feature CurrencyRateTypeDescriptorProvider class is created during the trading application development phase. The above code will give the TypeDescriptor for object that belongs to the CurrencyRate kind in the trading application development process.

How To Get live stock market feed

Organizations dealing with stock market often have to use a trading system which has the ability to handle stock market feed. Stock market feed is a technique via which the organization is able to get the stock market data live directly into their trading systems. Most of the trading systems in the modern world id able to handle this live stock market data. But the crucial part is to keep the updated data safe by preventing data loss, allowing data customization, flexibility with data conversion etc… Dapfor has been in the business of trading systems development with stock market feed feature since 2007. They have developed a unique system using the .net grid technology. Due to the huge expertise and experience the developers have with stock market feed they can develop systems crucial for the growth of organizations dealing with stock market and finance.

public class Product : INotifyPropertyChanged
//Some fields
private double price;
private DateTime maturity;

[DoubleFormat(Precision = 3, ShortForm = true, ShowZero = false)]
public double Price
get { return price; }
price = value;
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(“Price”));
public DateTime Maturity
get { return maturity; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

Product product = new Product();
Row row = grid.Rows.Add(product);

product.Price = 123;

Assert.AreEqual(row[“Price”].Value, 123)

The above code is used in the .net grid associated with stock market feed. This helps the stock market feed to get updated in real time and if multiple users are using the stock market feed then they will be notified about any updating process in the stock market feed fields. This is a crucial way to make a trading system with stock market feed facility and has been done by Dapfor successfully.

public void NonEventModelSorting(Grid grid)
//Initialize the grid
grid.Headers.Add(new Header());
grid.Headers[0].Add(new Column(“Name”));
grid.Headers[0].Add(new Column(“Color”));
grid.Headers[0].Add(new Column(“Price”));

grid.Headers[0][“Price”].SortDirection = SortDirection.Descending;

//Populate the grid
grid.Rows.Add(new object[] { “Mercedes”, Color.Black, 25000d });
grid.Rows.Add(new object[] { “BMW”, Color.White, 35000d });

//The first row is “BMW”
Assert.AreEqual(“BMW”, grid.Rows[0][“Name”].Value);

//Cut off the BMW’s price
grid.Rows[0][“Price”].Value = 24000d;

//The first row is “Mercedes”
Assert.AreEqual(“Mercedes”, grid.Rows[0][“Name”].Value);

This is another important feature integrated by .net grid associated with stock market feed developed by Dapfor. It allows the sorting of the data in the proper ways within the stock market feed which makes it even more informative and essential for a finance organization. The stock market feed just receives the live data and then use the above way of dealing with sorting procedures. Thus the stock market feed is able to help the employees out in their work daily. The stock market feed developed by Dapfor even has data security features built in.

Categories: net grid Tags:

Real Time Blotter

Nowadays, every user wants an application that should be fast, stable and displays data that are updated. A real-time application means that the data which are displayed must be current and updated. The best example for a Real Time Blotter application is the stock market viewer which is always current and updated. Nowadays, every Real Time Blotter application uses this real-time feature. For a simple Real Time Blotter application developers need Market, Instrument and Feeder class. In Market class, properties such as OpenTime, CloseTime, MarketState and Name are included. Collection of tools such as shares, bonds etc are very important in every market. These set of instructions are generally taken before the opening of the market and remain constant till the market is closed. In this case, Instrument class is used in this Real Time Blotter application it is having an identifier which is used in the application for ex. Code, ISIN, MNEMO etc. In the Feeder class, all the important information from the Instrument class as well as the price and its change, market information and availability of the product.
If an instrument is sold or purchased, the subscriber of the Feeder class will be notified about the particular change. This is possible with the help of the interface INotifyPropertyChanged, which the Feeder class implements. A Real Time Blotter application must be able to work on different markets and must be available in the application. Provider Class is created in the Real Time Blotter application to save the instruments, global data and the list of market. Use of composite objects makes the Real Time Blotter application more powerful. For ex. Properties of the Feeder and the Instrument class can be used to display composite data, CompositeField Attribute is used for this purpose. Using this attribute is not a single line of coding and it is done which decreases the development time of the Real Time Blotter application. It doesn’t have a negative impact on the Real Time Blotter application.
public class Feeder : INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly Instrument _instrument;

public Instrument Instrument
get { return _instrument; }
public class Instrument

public string Isin
get { return _isin; }
As stated earlier Feeder class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and the FieldAttribute object is used to set the InstrumentId property. The above will display the ISIN code. For market object which is stored in the Feeder class also uses this technique. This illustrates the simple coding in the Real Time Blotter application.
public class Feeder : INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly Market _market;

public Market Market
get { return _market; }
Adding animation is also very easy and simple and is done in the non-GUI part of the Real Time Blotter application.  In the provider class just add the BeginUpdates () method. Color of the cells in the Real Time Blotter application is done using the Grid.PaintCell event.

Categories: net grid Tags: , ,

Choose Dapfor for the ultimate in finance and trading

Finance and trading industry not only requires a great talent pool in order to perform successfully, but a good software system too in order to rip the benefits of modern technology. Finance and trading systems need to be constructed in a professional way, so that it can make the tedious daily work easier. It needs to be a perfect real time software source and should be able to generate grid related reports. .Net technology is the best platform to developing such software for finance and trading systems, and Dapfor is the perfect organization for suiting these needs of the trade industry.

The finance and trading industry needs regular data upgrading procedures and report generation capabilities. The data upgrading procedures of finance and trading industry need to follow the .net grid techniques in order to deliver real time data and reports to the user. Proper programming skills are required in this case, and hence you can trust Dapfor, which has been dealing with finance and trading industry since 2007. Dapfor has made a name in the finance and trading industry due to the experience it has in its developers, who ha spent a significant amount of time in the finance and trading industry itself. Most of the industries related to finance and trading industry now is based upon the .net grid developed by Dapfor for the software related to the industry. In many cases getting the data from the data source becomes very important. This is a task which is actually done the most number of times in order to remain in competition with the other finance and trading industry competitors.
A code for example used in .net grid shows the event:
public CDC50Controll()

grid.DataSource = Provider.Instance.Cac40Feeders;

For example in the above code, the data is being collected in the real time from the data source of the finance and trading industry instance and is displayed using the grid object of the data source. A lot of other codes go in it too, in order to make the process of getting the data from data source work easier. For example a composite field attribute is used in the .net grid developed by Dapfor in order to make the work easier for the finance and trading experts.
public class Feeder : INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly Instrument _instrument;

public Instrument Instrument
get { return _instrument; }

public class Instrument
public string Isin
get { return _isin; }

Headers can be inserted in the print page based on your needs, in order to make the readability of the printed documents and reports easier. This can help the finance and trading experts a lot while generating reports and discussing its features. Filed spanning in Dapfor developed finance and trading system in order to include as many fields as required. This makes the document even more informative for the finance and trading organization as the reports created can have one or more fields now, and the fields spanning to 2 or more pages if required. .net grid combines very well with all the above features and makes the software useful for all types of data collection and report generation scenarios.

Dapfor is the answer to all the modern requisites of the finance and trading industry. With the .net grid and other features developed by Dapfor your finance and trading organization is bound to stay ahead of all the competitors in the market. The attractive and user interactive features make the use of the software grids easy and customizable based on the needs of the finance and trading industry. So no more compromise with any other trading system now, when affordable and time tested solutions are available, for you to excel along with the organization.

Categories: net grid Tags: ,

Enhancing performance in .NET

Every programming language is rated according to its performance; it is one of the main aspects of programming language. .NET framework is preloaded with various methods and classes which increases the scalability and performance of different applications. Performance life cycle is implemented by the logical part of .NET framework.
Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) gets converted into machine language by using Just in Time Compiler which is a feature of .NET framework. Some of the programming languages which are supported by .NET framework are Visual basic, C++, and C sharp(C#). For programming purpose all the coding part is done on visual studio. For running unmanaged and managed code .NET is having an efficient and excellent garbage collector which speeds up the performance of the entire process. Managed codes are specially designed to meet the requirements of .NET which is based on Component Object Model (COM). It removes all the factors which reduce the performance of the entire development process. Multi threading is also supported for increasing the speed of the processor.
.NET framework helps several designers, architects, developers, and testers in completion of project within the time limit by increasing the speed and performance of the process.
The overall objectives are divided into various roles and principles which are illustrated below:
1. There are different performance guides available which focuses on the performance goal.
2. Repeatable and structural approach is used by performance modelling to achieve the performance goal.
3. There are several design patterns which helps in optimizing the performance.
4. Various scalability and performance frames are available which arrange the level of performance by using priority system.
5. There are various testing tools which allow us to monitor the status of the program and it helps in keeping a track of the performance meter.
.NET helps a lot in optimizing the performance of various applications with the use of several features.

Categories: net grid Tags:

Advantages and disadvantages of data binding

August 25, 2011 1 comment

.NET is full of base class libraries and various features; data binding is one of the important features which enable the entire element in a client application to establish a relation with the provided data source. There are various data sources available like Data Views, Datasets, Arrays etc. some of the elements which needs data binding are DataGrid, Textbox etc. the connection established between data source and the application is bi directional which means that changes made in visual application will be reflected in the data source and vice versa is also true.

.NET Framework provides this special and powerful feature of data binding which brings smoothness and flexibility in any application. By using data binding programmers can gain excess control over the process and steps which are related to data binding. Data binding with web pages are also possible in .NET and this can be done by using server side controls which are provided by .NET framework. This feature of data binding in web pages simplifies the process of creating information based web applications.

Some of the advantages of data binding are listed below:

  1. Data based application can be created quickly and efficiently.
  2. Coding size decreases incredibly still you get the desired result.
  3. Execution time increases and hence it increases the quality of the application.
  4. By using events you can gain control over data binding process.
  5. Even if your data is bounded you can modify the coding part easily.
  6. Programmers get the benefit of both unbound and bound approach while creating any application.

Some of the disadvantages of data binding are listed below:

  1. Optimization of code is only achieved by using traditional or unbound approach.
  2. Data binding is not completely flexible and for achieving more flexibility traditional methods are used by many programmers.

Dapfor .net grid has been created by professional developers with extensive experience in banking and telecommunication fields. .Net Grid is the best performing grid on the market adapted for real-time applications (trading software development, stock trading market order, real time trading, real time blotter) and displaying huge data volumes. Thread protection makes it safe to use with MVVM model.

Categories: net grid Tags: